EU judgments
T‑1106/23 Vinokurov v Council
T-271/22 Melnichenko v Council
T‑193/23 MegaFon v Council
T‑748/22 Kantor v Council
T‑275/23 Tinkoff Bank SA v Council
T‑732/22 Deripaska v Council
Case T‑326/22 Konov v Council
Case T‑270/23 Rosbank PAO v Council
T‑446/24 R EV, EW, and EY v Council
T‑324/24 R, UniCredit v ECB
T-1074/23 Zubitskiy v Council
T‑790/22 MeSoFa Vermögensverwaltungs AG v ECB
T-797/22 Dutch Bar Association of the Brussels Bar v Council
T-798/22 Order of lawyers at the court of Paris v Council
T-828/22 ACE-Avocats v Council
T-494/22 NKO AO National Settlement Depository (NSD) v Council
T-635/22 Fridman & others v Council
T-644/22 Timchenko&Timchenko v Council
T-497/22 Mordashova v Council
T-741/22 Ezubov v Council
T-744/22 Tokareva v Council
T-362/22 Bazhaev v Counil
T-286/23 OT v Council
C-351/22 Neves 77 Solutions
C-67/23 W. GmbH
C-109/23 [Jemerak]
T-651/22 Shamalov v Council
T-290/22 and T-763/22 Kesaev v Council
T-257/24 Mazepin v Council
T‑309/22 and T‑739/22 Rashevsky v Council
T‑742/22 Dmitry Mazepin v Council
T‑738/22 Igor Rotenberg v Council
T‑288/22 VEB.RF v Council
T‑302/22 Vinokurov v Council
T‑363/22 Akhmedov v Council
T-235/22 Russian Direct Investment Fund v Council
T-277/23 Global 8 Airlines v Commission
ECLI:NL:HR:2024:642 (Re DP shareholder voting rights)
T‑782/22 Cogebi v Council
C‑109/23 Jemerak (AG Opinion)
T-304/22 Fridman v Council
T-301/22 Aven v Council
T-743/22 Nikita Mazepin v Council
T‑289/22 Shuvalov v Council
T‑237/22 Usmanov v Council
T-262/21 and T-256/22 Viktor Fedorovych Yanukovych
T-263/21 and T-257/22 Oleksandr Viktorovych Yanukovych
T-233/22 Islentyeva v Council
T-313/22 Abramovich v Council
T-283/22 Moshkovich v Council
T-390/22 Mndoiants v Council
T-359/22 Zubitskiy v Council
T-734/22 Pumpyanskiy v Council
T-333/22 – Khan v Council
T-193/22 OT v Council
T-282/22 Mazepin v Council
T-386/22 QF v Council
C-585/23 P(R)-R Council v Mazepin
Case C-564/23 P(R) Council v Mazepin
T-248/22 Mordashov v Council
C-483/23 Summary of request for Preliminary Ruling
T-305/22 Rashnikov v Council
T-364/22 Shulgin v Council
T-270/22 Dmitry Pumpyanskiy v Council
T-272/22 Pumpyanskaya v Council
T-291/22 Alexander Pumpyanskiy v Council
T-252/22 Gennady Timchenko v Council
T-361/22 Elena Timchenko v Council
T-355/22 Khudaverdyan v Council
T-212/22 Prigozhina
T-743/22 R Mazepin
Fortenova Group STAK Stichting en Open Pass Limited v SBK Art Limited Liability Company
Paraseven Limited
T-714/20 Ovsyannikov v Council (judgment)
T-125/22 RT France
T-237/22 R Usmanov
T-234/22 R Ismailova
T-238/22 R Narzieva
Preliminary relief (Netherlands) no. KG ZA 22-388
T-193/22 R OT
T-714/20 Ovsyannikov v Council (Decision)
C-732/18 P Rosneft
C-729/18 P VTB Bank
C-731/18 P Vnesheconombank
T-515/15 Almaz-Antey
T-798/14 DenizBank
T-739/14 PSC Prominvestbank
T-737/14 Vnesheconombank
T-735/14 & T-799/14 Gazprom Neft
T-734/14 VTB Bank
T-732/14 Sberbank
T-715/14 Rosneft & Others
T-262/15 Kiselev
C-72/15 Rosneft
UK judgments
UniCredit Bank GmbH v Ruschemalliance LLC [2025] EWCA Civ 99
Khan v SoS for Foreign Commonwealth and Development Affairs [2025] EWCA Civ 41
Google LLC & Ors v Nao Tsargrad Media & Ors [2025] EWHC 94 (Comm)
L1T FM Holdings UK Ltd. & another v Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster [2024] EWHC 2963 (Admin)
In the Matter Of KRF Services (UK) Ltd [2024] EWHC 2978 (Ch)
Google LLC & Ors v Nao Tsargrad Media & Ors [2024] EWHC 2212 (Comm)
Hellard & Ors v OJSC Rossiysky Kredit Bank & Ors [2024] EWHC 1783 (Ch)
Garofalo v Crisp & Ors [2024] EWHC 1737 (Ch)
Celestial Aviation Services v Unicredit Bank [2024] EWCA Civ 628
Magomedov & Ors v PJSC Transneft & Ors [2024] EWHC 1176 (Comm)
RTI Ltd (Respondent) v MUR Shipping BV (Appellant) [2024] UKSC 18
Barclays Bank v VEB.RF [2024] EWHC 1074 (Comm)
Vneshprombank v Bedzhamov [2024] EWHC 1048 (Ch)
Zephyrus Capital Aviation Partners 1D Ltd & Ors v Fidelis Underwriting Ltd & Ors (Re Russian Aircraft Operator Policy Claims (Jurisdiction Applications)) [2024] EWHC 734 (Comm) (28 March 2024)
Airbus Canada Limited Partnership v Joint Stock Company Ilyushin Finance Co (No. 2) [2024] EWHC 790 (Comm)
ABFA Commodities Trading Ltd v Petraco Oil Company SA (Re Consequential Matters) [2024] EWHC 706 (Comm)
Chernukhin v Deripaska [2024] EWCA Civ 268
Kireeva v Zolotova [2024] EWHC 552 (Ch)
Dalston Projects Lt & Ors v Transport Secretary and Shvidler v Foreign Secretary [2024] EWCA Civ 172
Khan v The Secretary of State For Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Affairs [2024] EWHC 361 (Admin)
UniCredit Bank GmbH v RusChemAlliance LLC [2024] EWCA Civ 64
Graham William Phillips v The Secretary of State for Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Affairs [2024] EWHC 32 (Admin)
Litasco SA v Der Mond Oil and Gas Africa SA & Anor [2023] EWHC 2866 (Comm)
The King (on the application of Mikhail Fridman) v HM Treasury [2023] EWHC 2657 (Admin)
Deutsche Bank AG v RusChemAlliance LLC [2023] EWCA Civ 1144
Mints v PJSC National Bank Trust & Anr [2023] EWCA Civ 1132
Shvidler v Secretary of State for Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Affairs [2023] EWHC 2121 (Admin)
Case No : J02CL150 XTX Markets Technologies Ltd v Mazars
Dalston Projects Limited and others v Secretary of State for Transport [2023] EWHC 1885 (Admin)
Fortenova Grupa D.D. v LLC Shushary Holding & Ors [2023] EWHC 1165 (Ch)
Dalston Projects Ltd & Ors v Secretary of State for Transport [2023] EWHC 1106 (Admin)
Celestial Aviation Services Limited v Unicredit Bank AG, London Branch [2023] EWHC 1071 (Comm)
Constitution Aircraft Leasing (Ireland) 3 Limited and another v. Unicredit A.G., London Branch
Celestial Aviation Services Limited v. UniCredit Bank AG
PJSC National Bank Trust and another v. Mints and others [2023] EWHC 118 (Comm)
Gravelor Shipping Limited v GTLK Asia M5 Limited [2023] EWHC 131 (Comm)
Havila Kystruten AS & Ors v STLC Europe Twenty-Three Leasing Ltd & Anor [2022] EWHC 3166 (Comm)
VTB Commodities Trading DAC v JSC Antipinsky Refinery [2022] EWHC 2795
MUR Shipping BV v RTI Ltd [2022] EWCA Civ 1406
Petropavlovsk plc (in administration) [2022] EWHC 2097 (Ch)
Petropavlovsk plc (in administration) [2022] EWHC 2074 (Ch)
Lamesa Investments Ltd v Cynergy Bank Ltd
R v R [2015] EWCA Civ 796
R (Rosneft) v HM Treasury & Others [2015] EWHC 248 (Admin)
R (Rosneft) v HM Treasury & Others [2014] EWHC 4002 (Admin)
US judgments
Re Sabadash 2:23-bk-15574-NB (Bankr. C.D. Cal. May. 14, 2024)
Kyocera Document Solutions America, Inc. v. Division of Administration, New Jersey Civil Action No. 23-4044
X Holding S.A. v Bank Julius Bär & Co. AG
Oleg Deripaska
X Holding S.A. v X AG
EU Member States judgments
ECLI:NL:RBROT:2024:11674 (Dutch conviction for sending aviation parts to Russia via 3rd countries)
ECLI:NL:RBROT:2024:11106 (Dutch conviction for exports of sanctioned computer goods and software that breach EU Russia sanctions)
ECLI:NL:RBROT:2024:11107 (Dutch confiscation order for exports of sanctioned computer goods and software that breach EU Russia sanctions)
ECLI:NL:RBROT:2024:9673 (criminal conviction for breaches of Russia sanctions)
ECLI:NL:HR:2024:642 (Re DP shareholder voting rights)
ECLI:NL:RBGEL:2024:2151 (winding up of entity convicted of violating sanctions)
Arrêt du 4 janvier 2024 n°474631 du Conseil d’Etat concernant les procès-verbaux des douanes du 3 mars 2022 sur le navire « Amore Vero » à la Ciotat (Decision of the French administrative Supreme Court rejecting the release of the boat « Amore Vero »)
In The Matter of GTLK Europe DAC [In Liquidation] -v- Companies Act 2014
GTLK Europe DAC v Companies Act 2014 [2023] IEHC 674
GTLK Europe DAC v Companies Act 2014 [2023] IEHC 486
Paraseven Ltd ECLI:NL:GHAMS:2023:1058
Civil case No. e3K-3-137-611/2023
Civil case No. e2-273-464/2023
Fortenova Group STAK Stichting en Open Pass Limited v SBK Art Limited Liability Company
Ordonnance du 15 décembre 2022 (arrêt de la cour d’appel de Douai du 15 décembre 2022, n° 22/03457) : décision déférée concernant le navire ‘Baltic Leader’
Paraseven Limited
X c/ Direction Nationale du Renseignement et des Enquêtes Douanières (DNRED)
Pola Logistics Limited v GTLK Europe DAC & Ors [2022] IEHC 501
Preliminary relief (Netherlands) no. KG ZA 22-388
Case No. 2-07 O 121/17 (Frankfurt, 2017)
Case No. 5 K 2253/16.F (Frankfurt Court, 2018)
Other judgments
Mobile Telesytems PJSC v Canada
А56-28968/2024 JSC Rietumu Bank v LLC Agency Gorelovo Industrial Zone
A56-90977/2024 UniCredit v RusChemAlliance
A40-214726/2023 NS Bank v Lukoil
Alumina and Bauxite Company Ltd v Queensland Alumina Ltd [2024] FCAFC 142
Bank A v Bank B [2024] HKCFI 2529
A60-24839/2024 JSC Railway Vehicles PESA Bydgushch v JSC Uralsk Transport Plant
Makarov v Canada (Foreign Affairs) 2024 FC 1234
Tigers Realm Coal Limited v Commonwealth of Australia [2024] FCA 340
Case No. A56-82244/2022 Baltiisky Zavod JSC v Wartsila Oyj Abp
Deripaska v Minister for Foreign Affairs [2024] FCA 62
Alumina and Bauxite Company Ltd v Queensland Alumina Ltd [2024] FCA 43
C-483/23 Summary of request for Preliminary Ruling
Alexander Abramov v Minister for Foreign Affairs (No 2) [2023] FCA 1099
Docket No 12 SchH 5/22
Targa Capital Ltd. v Westpac New Zealand Ltd. [2023] NZHC 230
Emmerson International Corporation v Renova Holding Limited BVIHCMAP2019/0018 and Emmerson International Corporation v Viktor Vekselberg et al BVIHCMAP2019/0020.
Angophora Holdings Limited v Ovsyankin 2022 ABKB 711
X c/ Direction Nationale du Renseignement et des Enquêtes Douanières (DNRED)
AO Alfa-Bank v Kipford Ventures Ltd 2022/0007
JSC VTB Bank v Alexander Katunin et al BVIHC (COM) 2014/0062
MaplesFS Limited v PJSC National Bank Trust & PJSC Bank Otkritie Financial Corporation
JSC Uraltransmash v PESA
4A_659/2020 6 August 2021
X Holding S.A. v Bank Julius Bär & Co. AG
X Holding S.A. v X AG
Portnov v Canada (Attorney General) 2019 FC 1648
Renova Industries Limited and others v Emmerson International Corporation and others BVIHC (COM) 2013/0160